KARACHI: Kyrgyzstan is in process of launching electronic visa facility with seven days process to encourage and facilitate Pakistani tourists, said Erik Beishembiev, ambassador of Kyrgyz Republic to Pakistan.
Addressing participants of an introductory event held recently at Schon Center Karachi, Beishembiev said that Kyrgyzstan hosts many attractive tourist destinations as the country’s 94 percent area consists of mountains and lakes. The envoy sought the help of tour operators particularly the Travel Agents Association of Pakistan (TAAP) to explore the natural beauty of the “heart of the center of Asia”.
Chairman of TAAP Naeem Sharif, speaking on the occasion suggested the formation of Pakistan-Kyrgyz Joint Tourism Promotion Council (PKJTPC) with representation of TAAP and Kyrgyz Association of Tour Operators (KATO) and patronized by foreign missions of both the countries. “Kyrgyz foreign missions in Pakistan can play a vital role in supporting and encouraging TAAP and KATO to work closely and encourage both inbound and outbound tourism”, he viewed.
He informed the participants that after 9/11 the tourism industry has taken a huge toll especially in the inbound tourism. “The repercussions for Pakistan have been huge as tourism allows wealth to be injected into the community in a variety of ways”, he added.
He noted that the outbound tourism also shifted mainly towards Middle East and Far East and introduction of Kyrgyzstan as a new destination would be quite beneficial.
Esen Aksamaev, First Secretary/ Consular Affairs of Kyrgyz Republic also informed about the potential of the tourism including the culture of the country. He also briefed about the visa process and investment opportunities available in the country.