ISLAMABAD: PC-1 of over Rs 1.8 billion has been evolved for construction of five new model educational institutions in federal capital and forwarded to Planning and Development for approval.
The PC-1 of 3 new Girls colleges and 2 Boys colleges has been worked out by Federal directorate of education in consultation with education officers.
Construction work in respect of 2 new model colleges will be started in G-13 sector and one each in G-14 sector, Pakistan town and Margalla town soon after PC-1 is approved.
According to media reports, Islamabad Model College for Girls will be constructed in G-13/1 sector in the area measuring 21.76 kanalS at the cost over Rs 460 million, Islamabad Model college for girls in the area of 25.84 kanals at the cost of Rs 466 million in sector G-13/2 and third Islamabad Model college for girls will be constructed in G-14/4 in the area of 20.80 kanals at the cost of Rs 252 million.