WASHINGTON: The United States has lauded the sacrifices made by Pakistan in war against terrorism.
The appreciation came during a meeting of Pakistan ambassador to the United States Aizaz Chaudhary with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Al Green and Congressman Bato O’Rourke in Houston.
Addressing a joint meeting of Congressional Group, Ambassador Chaudhry apprised the Congress representatives of the role Pakistan has been playing as a frontline state in the war against terrorism and the staggering cost it has paid in terms of loss of precious lives.
Aizaz Chaudhry informed that the representatives of the successes of Pakistan’s security forces in defeating the forces of extremism and intolerance in FATA and tribal areas.
Speaking on the occasion, Congressman Bato O’Rourke thanked Pakistan government and its people for their enormous sacrifices in the fight against terrorism. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee expressed her desire to work with the Ambassador Chaudhry and the Pakistani American community to coordinate visit of Congressional Delegation to Pakistan.
Congressman Al Green reassured his strong commitment to strengthen Pak-US bilateral relations by supporting the Pakistani caucus in the House of Representatives.