ISLAMABAD: Eradication of corruption is top priority of NAB. NAB committed to eradicate corruption with absolute professionalism, transparency and on merit with iron hands.
“Corruption is mother of all evils which undermines development and is one of the major hurdles in the way of prosperity and progress of the country. Considering these facts, National Accountability Bureau (NAB) was established as Pakistan’s apex Anti-corruption organization which is assigned with the responsibility of elimination of corruption and Corrupt Practices and recovers looted money from corrupt and deposits it in national exchequer.” This was stated by Mr. Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, Chairman NAB while addressing as chief guest at the inaugural session of 22nd Annual DGs Conference of NAB held at NAB Headquarter. The Conference will continue till September 27, 2017.
He said that after assumption of responsibilities as Chairman NAB, I had taken various initiatives to revamp NAB. NAB has devised a Comprehensive and effective National Anti-Corruption Strategy comprising of holistic approach of Awareness, Prevention and Enforcement by adopting Zero Tolerance Policy across the board to eradicate corruption and corrupt practices. He said that NAB operates under the National Accountability Ordinance-1999 which is extended to whole of Pakistan including FATA and Gilgit Baltistan. He said that NAB has its National Headquarter in Islamabad and had five Regional Bureaus located at Lahore, KP, Baluchistan, Karachi and Rawalpindi/Islamabad. During the tenure of present management of NAB, we have established three new Regional Bureaus at Multan, Sukkur and Gilgit Baltistan in order to address the complaints of people living in far flung areas at their doorsteps about corruption and corrupt practices.
He said that NAB has devised a state of the art Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES) which was introduced at NAB Headquarter and NAB’s regional Bureaus in order to measure the effectiveness of performance which help in enhancing the operational, monitoring and evaluation capabilities of NAB at NAB Headquarter. The main purpose of effective Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES) is to cater the needs of all concerned having salient features of maintenance of data at each stage including complaint entry, complaint verification, inquiry, investigation, prosecution stage and record proceedings of Regional Board Meetings and Executive Board Meetings including case brief, decisions made. MES has the ability to analyze data in qualitative and quantitative terms having warnings and alarms system for violators. Monitoring & Evaluation System (MES) is a web-based application, user friendly and interactive online system developed to enhance the operational, monitoring and evaluation capabilities of NAB.
Published in Daily Times, September 26th 2017.